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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
About Onk Nutrition & Wellness Solutions

Onk (Ankh) Nutrition & Wellness Solutions is owned and operated by Kristin Mainella, R.D., C.D.E. Kristin is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, as well as a Certified Diabetes Educator that is passionate about health, nutrition, and exercise. Onk nutrition is located in Southern New Hampshire but we offer remote nutrition and exercise counseling services as well. Onk Nutrition & Wellness Solutions is here to help clients improve nutrition through custom meal and exercise plans and counseling. We work with all age groups from children to adults. Let Onk Nutrition & Wellness Solutions show you how to create healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.

Your Health Matters
There is often times a disconnect when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle; we know what’s good for our bodies, but we don’t always act accordingly. Onk (Ankh) Nutrition & Wellness Solutions aims to mend the gap between knowing and doing, by catering to each individual's unique circumstances. Whether it is weight loss or weight management, managing a dietary or medical condition, sports nutrition, diabetes management, or developing a healthy relationship with food. Onk Nutrition & Wellness Solutions offers a variety of services and packages designed to meet your needs.
Weight Loss
Better Decisions
Weight Loss Counseling can be one of the keys to a happier healthier life. Onk Nutrition offers strategic tools and techniques to help clients achieve a more balanced and fulfilling healthy lifestyle. After several personalized sessions, you’ll become well-versed at making the best food-related and exercise decisions for your health needs.

Sports Nutrition Education
A Healthier You
Determining an individual's plan for sports performance is Onk Nutrition has a lot of experience with. We can help you improve your performance through proper pre, post, and recovery nutrition. All areas of nutrition are important whether you play soccer, basketball, lacrosse, football, tennis or baseball, ski, gymnastics, cycling, or are training for a marathon/triathlon. Onk Nutrition carefully evaluates each client and formulates a personalized plan based on your specific needs. We will teach you how to get an edge on your competition by being able to train harder, smarter, and recover faster. It is no secret that athletic performance results are directly correlated with timing of fuel for an event, recovery nutrition, and hydration.

Diabetes Management
The Guidance You Need
Whether you have pre-diabetes, Type 1, Type 2 or Gestational Diabetes Onk Nutrition can help you gain the edge you need to manage your disease state. We can identify areas of concern, miss-management, medication adjustments, and coach you toward a more positive degree of management. We can also assist with blood glucose monitoring, pattern management, and exercise prescription. We can determine specific nutrition guidelines you should follow or change based on your diagnosis. Onk Nutrition has had amazing success in medication reduction with Type 2 Diabetes clients and even a good success rate getting many clients with Type 2 diabetes off their medications entirely.
Corporate Wellness
A Plan For All
Onk Nutrition provides interactive lesson plans that lead to healthier lifestyle changes at Employer locations. We apply the most current nutrition and health information available to determine what is important and will distinguish between fact and fiction. Corporate Wellness results include: reduced absenteeism, improved employee morale, employee retention, reduction in stress levels and in healthcare costs to your company, improved fitness, reduction in injuries, increased self-esteem, weight reduction, and improved medical lab outcomes. Results are achieved through constant motivation, accountability, and support for employees and their families by educating them on healthy lifestyle choices and how to achieve an improved quality of life. Call today to see immediate results with your employees and provide a more positive and healthy environment

Grocery Store Tours
(Remote or in person)
Peace of Mind
Some people may be perfectly comfortable reading every nutrition information label or sifting through comparable products to find the healthiest option. However, some may find solace in knowing that they have the guidance and knowledge of a Registered Dietitian at their disposal. Onk Nutrition offers grocery store tours that allow you just that luxury. We will guide you through the grocery store, answering your questions, and offering advice on healthy food choices. This is a great option if you are looking to make your own choices, but would like some insight into the quickest, healthiest meal options. The ability to do a remote tour is also very convenient as you can join the tour from your home or office, saving time and money.
Live Right Wellness
For women who are struggling with exhaustion, stress, depression, and generally feeling lost. Live Right Wellness provides an interactive, supportive online program that helps them transform their lives by improving sleep, increasing energy, and building clarity and confidence by empowering and motivating them to live their best life.